arduino is fast gaining ground now adays because of it uses and the available libary online compare to the conventional microcontrollers such as PIC and ARM, 8051 series. for the sake of the users who are just getting started with embedded system arduino will be very much ok for a beginners/starter, and it has a wide variety of appilcations from automations, robotics and IOTs and many more. The tutorial will be focusing on the elementary explanations of arduino codes to the advanced level ranging from blinking of LEDs to IOT, ROBOTICS and the usage of millis(); micros(); and timer0,timer1,timer2, spi, i2c, uart, pwm and many more. for the sake of the tutorial our targeted board will be arduino uno since it is a very popular and available board and can be used to program all atmega328p micro controllers. and all the necessary functions needed is readily available ranging from i/o pins, timers, pwm, spi, i2c,uart and many more. just activate by writing and instructions to the regist...
Microcontroller and Power Electronics