AVR is a popular microcontroller been used on arduino board but do you know using arduino syntax can delay your work and reduce efficiency so we rather use avr syntax and register directly on arduino microcontroller but for a project that time is not of paramount important arduino syntax can be used directly for the sake of the led blinking tutorial we shall be using atmel studio code directly which will also work on arduino ide by just changing the int main() to void setup() and then do { }while() loop to void loop(); //** * \file *programmer:AKINGUNSOLA CALEB COMPILIER:ATMEL STUDIO 6.0 FOR AVR * \brief Empty user application template * */ /* * Include header files for all drivers that have been imported from * Atmel Software Framework (ASF). */ #include <asf.h> #define F_CPU 16000000UL //16mhz crystal #include <avr/io.h> //allow input output function #include <avr/interrupt.h> //allow in...
Microcontroller and Power Electronics